I have gathered in this website my Postal History material and the result of my researches, with the sincere hope that other collectors and passionates may find useful information. Anytime I describe some specific details for an object which go beyond the basic catalogue data, I try to specify the source and to add it in the bibliography.
With pleasure I allow all readers to copy and share texts and images coming from my site, reserving the following rights:
– Giorgio Mastella shall be mentioned as author of any text coming from this site, in case it is copied and pasted in other sites or publications; the same applies to the images, which all represent objects belonging to my collection;
– the pages of this site shall be linked in the webpages or in the publications where the material coming from this site is copied;
– I shall be informed about the publication of my material in another site or in a printed publications; be aware that I will not ask for any compensation. The address to contact me is the following:
– I may refuse to see my material copied and published in some sites or publications, according to my judgement.