
In this site I share the outcome of my personal researches, of my findings and of the studies that I’ve conducted over the years. I wanted to share my material and my researches because I hope that other collectors may find useful data and hints. Any time that I share a specific information which goes beyond what can be easily found in a catalogue, I always tried to specify the source.

With pleasure I allow all readers to reproduce and to share partially or totally the content of my site, reserving the following rights:

– Giorgio Mastella shall be mentioned as author of the texts, in case they are copied in other sites or publications; the same for the images, that are all reproducing objects which are belonging to me (or to people who have allowed me to publish their material);
– in case my pages, my objects or a part of my texts are mentioned in another site or in another publication, the link to my pages should be added,
– I would like to be informed when my pages are mentioned in another site or in a publication; permission will be given without any request for compensation; the address to contact me is:
– I may refuse to see my material mentioned in a site or in a publication I may not like.