
The definitive series known as “Democracy” or “Democratic” is universally considered the first philatelic emission of the Italian Republic, although the first values appeared some nine months before the actual proclamation of the Republic.

On October 1st 1945, when the first values were issued, Italy was still a Kingdom: Vittorio Emanuele III was the King and his son Umberto II was Lieutenant General of the Kingdom. On May 1946, following the abdication of Vittorio Emanuele III, there is the short kingdom of his son Umberto II. June 1946 began with the referendum where Italians chose between Kingdom or Republic: by the end of the month the official results of the election were confirmed, Savoia family was exiled and Enrico De Nicola took power as Temporary Head of State. Democratic series was then used by Italians when new Constitution was issued, then the first elections and the overall reconstruction after World War II. It was used until the end of 1952.

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10 cents reddish brown

20 cents brown

25 cents turquoise

40 cents grey

50 cents violet

60 cents dark green

80 cents pink

1 lira green

1,20 lire reddish brown

2 lire dark brown

3 lire carmine

4 lire orange

5 lire blue

6 lire violet

8 lire dark green

10 lire slate grey

10 lire orange

15 lire blue

20 lire violet

25 lire blueish green

30 lire ultramarine

50 lire reddish brown

100 lire carmine